Following is the procedure to rename the existing server or host name in CX with Different Flare code versions.
I. Follow these steps for CX series, CX3 series, CX4 series with FLARE Release 28 only
Note: This process can be done non-disruptively!
-Right-click the array icon and select Connectivity Status.
-Highlight the entries that must be changed and Select the Info button. (Record current initiator settings.)
-Select the Group Edit button.
-Find the HBA WWNs on the left window and move them to the right window.
-Make any necessary changes for the initiator settings to match what was recorded in Step 2.
-Select the New Host radio button.
-Type in the correct host name and IP address.
-Click OK and then confirm the success.
-Close Connectivity Status.
-Right-click the array icon and select Update Now.
Note: If the changes do not take place right away, you may have to restart the Management Server. See solution emc99876.
The host name should now show correctly!
II. Follow these steps for the CX4 series with FLARE Release 29 only
Note: This process can be done non-disruptively!
-Right-click the array icon and select Connectivity Status.
-Select the Host Initiators tab then select the host.
-Highlight the host that must be changed and Select the Edit button. (Record current initiator settings.)
-Select the Edit button.
-Check the HBA WWNs on the top window.
-Make any necessary changes for the initiator settings to match what was recorded in Step 2.
-Select the New Host radio button.
-Type in the correct host name and IP address.
-Click OK and then confirm the success.
-Close Connectivity Status.
-Right-click the array icon and select Update Now.
Note: If the changes do not take place right away, you may have to restart the Management Server. See solution emc99876.
The host name should now show correctly!
III. Follow these steps for the CX4 series with FLARE Release 30 only
Note: This process can be done non-disruptively!
-Select the array in the system pulldown menu top left of the Unisphere screen.
-On the left pain under System Management select Storage Sytem Connectivity Status
-Select the Host Initiator Tab then select the host.
-Highlight the host the entries that must be changed and Select the Edit button. (Record current initiator settings.)
-Find the HBA WWNs on the top window.
-Make any necessary changes for the initiator settings to match what was recorded in Step 2.
-Select the New Host radio button.
-Type in the correct host name and IP address.
-Click OK and then confirm the success.
-Close Connectivity Status.
-Right-click the array icon and select Update Now.
Note: If the changes do not take place right away, you may have to restart the Management Server. See solution emc99876.
The host name should now show correctly!
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Following is the procedure to rename the existing server or host name in CX with Different Flare code versions. I. Follow these steps for ...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Commands for installing Disk Shelf Firmware [NetApp]
1.Download the Zip file and extract it on Filer which you want to upgrade firmware (example: netapp01)
2.priv set advanced download shelf (by typing this command and hitting enter it will prompt for "Are you sure you want to upgrade all the disk shelves" - If you wish to upgrade all the shelves go ahead and type "Y" or else if you need any particular shelf type following command download shelf 0b.shelf4 (0b.shelf4 = adapter and shelf number)
while upgrading the shelf will be going to unknown state for few seconds, don't worry at that time it will come to "ok" state within few seconds.
to verify the upgraded firmware type this command " sysconfig -v"
All this you can run through CLI, You can also find this procedure in
2.priv set advanced download shelf (by typing this command and hitting enter it will prompt for "Are you sure you want to upgrade all the disk shelves" - If you wish to upgrade all the shelves go ahead and type "Y" or else if you need any particular shelf type following command download shelf 0b.shelf4 (0b.shelf4 = adapter and shelf number)
while upgrading the shelf will be going to unknown state for few seconds, don't worry at that time it will come to "ok" state within few seconds.
to verify the upgraded firmware type this command " sysconfig -v"
All this you can run through CLI, You can also find this procedure in
SAN Copy incremental steps!
1. CX 700 Array
Source Lun # 1
Size: 100 GB
Raid type: R5
Raid Group: 50
Storage Group : Test1
2. CX4-960 Array
Target Lun # 1
Size: 100GB
Raid type: any
Raid Group: any
Storage Group: Test1
3. Initially ensure what are the luns to be migrated using SANCOPY
4. Create the Lun#1 on the target array with same size or greater size as source lun#1.
4. Create Reserve Luns and configure reserve pool on the source with 20% of each source lun.
5. Create the same storage group (Test1) on the target array(CX4-960) as source array (CX 700)
6. Add the target Lun # 1 to the storage group Test1 on target array (CX4-960).
7. Create a storage group named "SANCOPY" on Target array CX4-960.
8. Also add the target lun # 1 on CX4-960 to "SANCOPY" storage group.
9. In order to enable SANCOPY connections Zoning has to be done between CX 700 and CX4-960
Select 2 available free ports on SP-A (eg: port 1 and port 2) & 2 available free ports on SP-B (port1 & port2) on CX 700 as well as CX4-960
10.Switch Zoning:
Create Aliases for CX700 SPA& SPB (port 1 & 2)
11. Create aliases for CX4-960 SPA & SPB (port 1 & 2)
12. Create Zones between CX700 and CX4-960
Zone1 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone2 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone3 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone4 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone5 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone6 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone7 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone8 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
13. Add the zones to active configuration.
Zone1 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone2 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone3 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone4 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone5 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone6 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone7 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone8 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
14. Enable the CFG with CFG enable
15. Login to Source CX700 array using navisphere manager
Right Click on the array CX700
go to "sancopy"
go to "Update Conections"
16. Then Log on to target CX4-960 using navisphere manager
Right Click on "SANCOPY" Storage group
go to "sancopy"
go to "enable connnections"
then dialog box appears with CX700 SPA in drop down menu
check box both the ports i.e., port1 & port 2
next drop down in the same dialog box on top to CX700 SPB
check box both the ports i.e., port1 & port 2
Click apply
17. Next go to CX700 array
Right click on the CX700 array
go to "update now"
18. Next go to CX4-960 array
Right click on the CX4-960 array
go to "connectivity status"
you should see all the CX700 SPA & B ports logged and registered.
19. Next go to CX700 array
Right click on the CX700 array
go to "connectivity status"
you should see all the CX4-960 SPA & B ports logged and registered.
20. Once the sancopy connection have been enabled, now you are ready to create the sessions.
21. Before creating san copy sessions you should have the following details in hand
SP owner of source lun
Destination Lun World Wide Name
22. On the source array CX700
Click on the Storage group Test1 to expand the storage group
Expand the Luns Tab
Right Click on the Lun # 1
go to "sancopy"
go to "create session for lun"
A dialog box appears where you have to enter all the session details
type the name of the session (CX700_1_CX4-960_1) on the top
next, in the drop down select the option "Incremental"
Select check box "Initial Sync Required"
select the source lun #1 in source storage
Next, click on "select the destination storage"
A dialog box appears with an option "ENTER WWN"
Click on "Enter WWN"
Then, enter the WWN of the target Lun # 1 (CX4-960) and click "ok"
Next, select both source lun and target lun in the same dialog box
then, Click on "Verify Connections" (you should see a window displaying all the logical units are accessible)
Next, select the throttle value to "6"
Accept all the default values for "LINK BANDWIDTH" (i.e., 1.5)
Finally Click "Apply"
23. Next, Click on "sancopy sessions" tab on CX700 array to exapnd it.
24. If you expand the Incremental sesions you will see the session name CX700_1_CX4-960_1
25. In order to start the session,
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "start"
26. To check the status of the session,
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "status"
27.Once the initial copy is completed 100%, we need to run the final incremental copy
28. To start the final incremental copy the lun should be taken offline i.e., remove the hosts from storage group
Test1 on source array CX700 so that nobody can have acess to that particular lun
29. To remove the lun # 1 from storagegroup on CX700,
Right Click on "Test1" Storage group
Click "Connect hosts"
remove the host from the storage group
Click "apply"
30. Next go to the session CX700_1_CX4-960_1
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click on "Mark"
click "yes"
Next, Again Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click on "start"
then check the status of the session.
31. Once the final incremental copy has started, in the mean time
zoning should be done between the HOST HBA's and the New storage array i.e., CX4-960
32. For zoning between host HBA's and CX4-960 SP's
Create Aliases
1. host hba1
2. host hba2
3. CX4-960SPA3 (eg SPA-port3)
4. CX4-960SPB3 (eg SPB-port3)
33. Create Zones hba1_CX4-960SPA3 hba1_CX4-960SPB3 hba1_CX4-960SPA3 hba2_CX4-960SPB3
34. Add the zones to active CFG
35. Stop & Start the "NAVISPHERE AGENT" on the HOST
36. Go to Target array CX4-960,
Right click on "CX4-960 array"
go to "Connectivity status"
you should see the host registered with four paths.
37. Verify whether the final incremental copy has completed to 100%
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "status"
38. Finally, go to Target array,
Right Click on "Test1" Storage group
Click "Connect hosts"
add the host to the storage group
Click "apply
39. Bring up the server and reboot, then check whether you can access the new luns from CX4-960.
40. Finally, After you see new luns remove all the dead paths i.e., old luns from CX700 on the host.
1. CX 700 Array
Source Lun # 1
Size: 100 GB
Raid type: R5
Raid Group: 50
Storage Group : Test1
2. CX4-960 Array
Target Lun # 1
Size: 100GB
Raid type: any
Raid Group: any
Storage Group: Test1
3. Initially ensure what are the luns to be migrated using SANCOPY
4. Create the Lun#1 on the target array with same size or greater size as source lun#1.
4. Create Reserve Luns and configure reserve pool on the source with 20% of each source lun.
5. Create the same storage group (Test1) on the target array(CX4-960) as source array (CX 700)
6. Add the target Lun # 1 to the storage group Test1 on target array (CX4-960).
7. Create a storage group named "SANCOPY" on Target array CX4-960.
8. Also add the target lun # 1 on CX4-960 to "SANCOPY" storage group.
9. In order to enable SANCOPY connections Zoning has to be done between CX 700 and CX4-960
Select 2 available free ports on SP-A (eg: port 1 and port 2) & 2 available free ports on SP-B (port1 & port2) on CX 700 as well as CX4-960
10.Switch Zoning:
Create Aliases for CX700 SPA& SPB (port 1 & 2)
11. Create aliases for CX4-960 SPA & SPB (port 1 & 2)
12. Create Zones between CX700 and CX4-960
Zone1 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone2 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone3 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone4 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone5 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone6 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone7 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone8 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
13. Add the zones to active configuration.
Zone1 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone2 CX700SPA1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone3 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone4 CX700SPA2 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone5 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone6 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
Zone7 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPA1
Zone8 CX700SPB1 to CX4-960SPB1
14. Enable the CFG with CFG enable
15. Login to Source CX700 array using navisphere manager
Right Click on the array CX700
go to "sancopy"
go to "Update Conections"
16. Then Log on to target CX4-960 using navisphere manager
Right Click on "SANCOPY" Storage group
go to "sancopy"
go to "enable connnections"
then dialog box appears with CX700 SPA in drop down menu
check box both the ports i.e., port1 & port 2
next drop down in the same dialog box on top to CX700 SPB
check box both the ports i.e., port1 & port 2
Click apply
17. Next go to CX700 array
Right click on the CX700 array
go to "update now"
18. Next go to CX4-960 array
Right click on the CX4-960 array
go to "connectivity status"
you should see all the CX700 SPA & B ports logged and registered.
19. Next go to CX700 array
Right click on the CX700 array
go to "connectivity status"
you should see all the CX4-960 SPA & B ports logged and registered.
20. Once the sancopy connection have been enabled, now you are ready to create the sessions.
21. Before creating san copy sessions you should have the following details in hand
SP owner of source lun
Destination Lun World Wide Name
22. On the source array CX700
Click on the Storage group Test1 to expand the storage group
Expand the Luns Tab
Right Click on the Lun # 1
go to "sancopy"
go to "create session for lun"
A dialog box appears where you have to enter all the session details
type the name of the session (CX700_1_CX4-960_1) on the top
next, in the drop down select the option "Incremental"
Select check box "Initial Sync Required"
select the source lun #1 in source storage
Next, click on "select the destination storage"
A dialog box appears with an option "ENTER WWN"
Click on "Enter WWN"
Then, enter the WWN of the target Lun # 1 (CX4-960) and click "ok"
Next, select both source lun and target lun in the same dialog box
then, Click on "Verify Connections" (you should see a window displaying all the logical units are accessible)
Next, select the throttle value to "6"
Accept all the default values for "LINK BANDWIDTH" (i.e., 1.5)
Finally Click "Apply"
23. Next, Click on "sancopy sessions" tab on CX700 array to exapnd it.
24. If you expand the Incremental sesions you will see the session name CX700_1_CX4-960_1
25. In order to start the session,
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "start"
26. To check the status of the session,
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "status"
27.Once the initial copy is completed 100%, we need to run the final incremental copy
28. To start the final incremental copy the lun should be taken offline i.e., remove the hosts from storage group
Test1 on source array CX700 so that nobody can have acess to that particular lun
29. To remove the lun # 1 from storagegroup on CX700,
Right Click on "Test1" Storage group
Click "Connect hosts"
remove the host from the storage group
Click "apply"
30. Next go to the session CX700_1_CX4-960_1
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click on "Mark"
click "yes"
Next, Again Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click on "start"
then check the status of the session.
31. Once the final incremental copy has started, in the mean time
zoning should be done between the HOST HBA's and the New storage array i.e., CX4-960
32. For zoning between host HBA's and CX4-960 SP's
Create Aliases
1. host hba1
2. host hba2
3. CX4-960SPA3 (eg SPA-port3)
4. CX4-960SPB3 (eg SPB-port3)
33. Create Zones hba1_CX4-960SPA3 hba1_CX4-960SPB3 hba1_CX4-960SPA3 hba2_CX4-960SPB3
34. Add the zones to active CFG
35. Stop & Start the "NAVISPHERE AGENT" on the HOST
36. Go to Target array CX4-960,
Right click on "CX4-960 array"
go to "Connectivity status"
you should see the host registered with four paths.
37. Verify whether the final incremental copy has completed to 100%
Right click on session "CX700_1_CX4-960_1"
click "status"
38. Finally, go to Target array,
Right Click on "Test1" Storage group
Click "Connect hosts"
add the host to the storage group
Click "apply
39. Bring up the server and reboot, then check whether you can access the new luns from CX4-960.
40. Finally, After you see new luns remove all the dead paths i.e., old luns from CX700 on the host.
How to re-size Snapmirror volumes?
Before increasing size of Source volume, increase the size of Destination volume.
vol options source_volume fs_size_fixed off # Turn off the FS on source volume #
vol size destination_volume +50g # Increase size as per customer request #
vol size source_volume +50g # Increase the size of source volume #
vol options source_volume fs_size_fixed on # Turn ON the FS for source volume #
snapmirror update -S source filer: source_volume destination filer: destination_volume # update the snapmirror #
vol options source_volume fs_size_fixed off # Turn off the FS on source volume #
vol size destination_volume +50g # Increase size as per customer request #
vol size source_volume +50g # Increase the size of source volume #
vol options source_volume fs_size_fixed on # Turn ON the FS for source volume #
snapmirror update -S source filer: source_volume destination filer: destination_volume # update the snapmirror #
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