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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to rename Qtree in NetApp

To rename qtree in NetApp filers, we can follow below procedure.

  • 1st make sure your volumes is in R/W state. If volume is snapmirrored and is in R/O mode... execute below procedure .
  1. Quiesce snapmirror (snapmirror quiesce -S sourcefiler:/vol/vol1/qtree1 destfiler:/vol/vol1/qt1)
  2. Break snapmirror  (snapmirror break destfile:/vol/vol1/qt1)
  3. Now you can rename qtree, but not with ADMIN mode, we can do only in ADVANCED mode.
  4. priv set advanced
  5. qtree rename old qtree path  new atree path (qtree rename /vol/vol1/qt1 vol/vol1/qt2)
  6. Once you rename qtree, make sure you also change share names.
  7. Then you can resync snapmirror with source filer (snapmirror resync)

If qtrees belongs to volumes which are in specific vfilers, just add "vfiler run vfilername" before executing commands.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

EMC SYMCLI commands.

For our convince let's assume Array SID as "000001234" 


  • symcfg list - A brief description of the all connected Symmetrix boxes.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 remove - Remove the array 1234 from symcfg list.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -lockn all - List all the external locks held in Symmetrix array 1234.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 -lockn 15 release -force - Release the lock 15 held on array 1234 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -v - Displays detailed information about the Symmetrix Array 1234.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 -dir 4a -p 0 list -addr -avail - List the LUN information / availability of lun ids on port 4a0 in array 1234 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all - List details about all the rdf groups in array.
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg 3 - List details about rdf group 3 .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all -dynamic - List details about all the dynamic rdf groups in array .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -rdfg all -static - List details about all the static rdf groups in array .
  • symcfg -sid 1234 list -ra all - List all RA ports with details like rdfg number , remote array sid and online status.
  • symcfg discover - Scans all the devices in hosts looking for new symmetrix devices and rebuilds the symmetrix configuration database .


  • symdev -sid 1234 list - List all devices in symmetrix 1234.
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -noport - List the devices which are not mapped to any ports.
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -noport -meta - List all unmapped meta devices .
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -dynamic - List all devices whose dyn_rdf attribute set .
  • symdev -sid 1234 list -hotspare - Checks whether hotspare invoked in the array .
  • symdev -sid 1234 show ABC - show the detailed information about devioce ABC.
  • symdev -sid 1234 write_disable ABC -SA all - Write disable the device ABC from through all directors.
  • symdev -sid 1234 not_ready ABC -SA all - Not ready the device ABC from through all directors.


  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -dev ABC list assign - List the masking details of the dev ABC .
  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -wwn xxxxxxx list devs - List the devices masked to given wwn number .
  • symmaskdb -sid 1234 -awwn hba_alias list devs - List the devices masked to given alias hba name .


  • symmask list hba - List HBA details of the host.
  • symmask -sid 1234 -dir 4a -p 0 list logins - List out wwns logged through port 4a0 .
  • symmask -sid 1234 list logins -wwn xxx - Check whether wwn xxx logged in to any of the FAs on array 1234.
  • symmask -sid 1234 refresh - Refresh the VCM Data Base after a masking and unmasking operation.
  • symmask -sid 1234 -wwn xxxx -dir 4a -p 0 add devs ABC,ABD - Mask the devices ABC and ABD to given wwn in 1234 arrray .
  • symmask -sid 1234 -wwn xxxx -dir 4a -p 0 remove devs ABC,ABD - Unmask the devices ABC and ABD from given wwn in 1234 arrray .


  • symdg -sid 1234 list - List device groups which include the devices from array 1234.
  • symdg create mydg -type rdf1 - Create device group mydg of rdf1 type .
  • symdg show mydg - Shows members/details of mydg.
  • symdg rename mydg yourdg - Renames the mydg to yourdg.
  • symdg delete mydg -force - Delete device group mydg.


  • symld -g mydg -sid 1234 add dev ABC DEV006 - Add the RDF device ABC to device group mydg as DEV006
  • symld -g mydg remove DEV006 - Remove DEV006 form device group mydg.


  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -type rdf1 -file rdf.txt -g mydg createpair -establish - Establish the SRDF relation between the devices given in the file rdf.txt from array 1234(R1) and remote box according to the rdf group . This command start sync between R1 and R2, and also add these devices after creating the device group mydg.
  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -file rdf.txt query - Query the Devices by using device pair file.
  • symrdf -g mydg set mode acp_disk - Set synching mode to Adaptive Copy.
  • symrdf -g mydg query - Query device group.
  • symrdf -g mydg split - Split the srdf pair for devices given in mydg.
  • symrdf -sid 1234 -rdfg 3 -file rdf.txt deletepair.txt -force - Delete the srdf pairing between R1/R2 and return them to stanadard.


  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -hotspare - List Hotspares configured in the array.
  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -by_diskgroup - Displays all the disks in array by disk groups.
  • symdisk -sid 1234 list -diskg_group 1 - Displays all the disks in disk group 1.