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Sunday, September 21, 2014

NetApp - Cluster takeover and giveback procedure.

  1.  To take over partner node, we have to make sure there will be 1-2 minutes connectivity lost (CIFS/NFS)
  2. 2.      Release ASUP before giveback options autosupport.doit per-takeovernode1
    3.       node2> cf takeover –f (node1 is takeover by node2)
    4.       node2> cf: takeover initiated by operator
    5.       node2 (takeover)> – Which means takeover completed.
    6.       node2 (takeover)> partner  (To see partner status )
    7.       node2 /node1>
    8.       To do giveback follow from step 9
    9.       When the system isn’t in partner context  and if prompt shows as “ node1/node2>”, follow from step 4, if prompt shows as “node2(takeover)>” follow from step 5
    10.   node1/node2>  partner
    11.   node2(takeover)> cf status
    node2 has taken over node1.
    node1 is ready for giveback.
    12.   Release ASUP before giveback options autosupport.doit per-giveback1node
    13.   node2(takeover)> cf giveback
    14.   If cf giveback is unsuccessful, try forcegiveback..
    15.   node2(takeover)>  cf giveback –f
    16.   once the giveback completes, login to node1 and do health check
    17.   node1> sysconfig –r
    18.   node1>  sysconfig –v
    19.   node1>  storage show disk –p
    20.   node1>  vfiler status –r
    21.   node1>  vfiler run vfilername exportfs
    22.   node1>  vfiler run vfilername cifs shares
    23.   node1>  vol status –s
    24.   node1>  vif status
    25.   node1>  ifconfig –a
    26.   node1> options autosupport.doit post givenback1node

NetApp - Disk Sanitization

To Sanitize all disks except vol0 disks (root volume)

Sanitization is enabled by default for all DOT 8.2+ code, if not enabled, run below command to enable.
options licensed_feature.disk_sanitization.enable on 

If DOT 7.xx to 8.1

·            license add XXXXXX  (You can get license from NetApp)

§  Remove controllers from DFM server to avoid any critical/error/warning alerts from DFM.
§  Offline/destroy all volumes and aggregates leaving vol0 and aggr0.
·                        vol offline volumename
·                        vol destroy volumename
·                        aggr offline aggregatename
·                        aggr destroy aggregatename
·                        CF disable (Disable partner node)
·                        Reboot the filer (Obtain approval prior to rebooting the filer)
·                        Send Final ASUP is issued -- options autosupport.doit decommissioning”

§  Once ASUP is Complete, turn off alerts. 

§  Determine all spare drives using the following command(s):
·         vol status -r
·         vol status -s
§  Begin the sanitization process using the following command(s):
·         disk sanitize start  <all numbered drives>  or disk sanitize start -c 7 <all numbered drives>
·         Monitor status using the following command(s):
§  disk sanitize status
§  vol status –m
§  Unsanitized disks will go thru a SECOND PASS process, rerun the “disk sanitize start” command against drives that fail the sanitization
§  Save sanitization logs
§  rdfile /etc/log/sanitized_disks or rdfile /etc/sanitized_disks and save logs 

To Sanitize vol0 disks (root volume)

Ø  Release 3 sanitize disks (disk sanitize release <disk_list>
Ø  Once you release the sanitized disk, it will be in unowned state (disk show –n)
Ø  Assign the disks back to same node (disk assign <disk_list>
Ø  Once you assign disk, it will be in broken disks (vol status –f)
Ø  Unfail the broken/bad disk (disk unfail –s <disk>
Ø  Now you will see all disks under spare (vl status –s)
Ø  create new aggregate with released disks (aggr create newaggr0 –d <disk_list>), it will take time to create aggregate as disks has to be zeroed, check status with (aggr status new aggr0 –v)
Ø  check current vol0 size (vol size vol0)
Ø  create new volume in newly created aggregate (vol create newvol0 newaggr0 <size>)
Ø  restrict newvol0 before starting copy (vol restrict newvol0)
Ø  Copy vol0 to newvol0 (vol copy start –s vol0 newvol0)
Ø  Once copy is 100%, make newvol0 online (vol online newvol0)
Ø  Make newvol0 as root (vol options newvol0 root)
Ø  Rename vol0/newvol0 & aggr0/newaggr0
Ø  To rename – vol rename vol0 oldvol0, vol rename newvol0 vol0, aggr rename aggr0 oldaggr0, aggr rename newaggr0 aggr0
Ø  Reboot node (reboot)
Ø  Once reboot completes, it will take newly created volume (vol0) as root volume
Ø  Check the status (vol status, aggr status)
Ø  Delete oldvol0 and oldaggr0 (vol offline oldvol0, vol destroy oldvol0, aggr offline oldaggr0, aggr destroy oldaggr0)
Ø  Once we delete old volume/aggregate it will release all disks which are in oldaggr0
Ø  Check the spares (vol status –s)
Ø  Start sanitize (disk sanitize start  <disk_list>)
Ø  Check status (disk sanitize status)
Ø  Once sanitization is 100%, collect logs.